LAS AF: Leica Microsystems Confocal Imaging Software Suite - For the operation of the Leica SP5 confocal microscopes and the Analysis of the confocal (.lif) data.
IMARIS: A very powerful stand-alone application for image processing and analysis from Bitplane. It easily integrates into existing image processing workflows and can use existing Matlab and ImageJ macros. All IMARIS modules (3D Vis, Filament, Measurement, Vantage, Tracking) are available on our analysis workstations.
VOLOCITY: A complete imaging system for Life Science research from Quorum Technologies Inc. Four integrated but separate modules provide a full suite of tools for 3D image restoration, visualization, measurement, tracking and charting.
HUYGENS: Huygens is an image restoration software, tailored for deconvolution and processing of microscopy images. Its wizard-driven user interface guides you through the process of deconvolving microscopy images. Huygens Essential is able to deconvolve a wide variety of images ranging from 2D widefield images to 4D Multi Channel multi-photon, spinning-disk, confocal, Array Detector, STED or light-sheet images.
HCImageLive and HCImage DIA: HCImage Dynamic Intensity Analysis (DIA) for high-speed processing and intensity analysis over time. For automating the Hamamatsu cameras and the Leica DMR microscopes.
IMAGEJ/FIJI: The open-source standard in quantitative Image Analysis of microscopy Images. With many plugins for complex analysis work and a macro language to automate your work.
MATLAB: A high-level programming language and an interactive technical computing environment providing functions for algorithm development, Data Analysis, Data Visualization and Numeric computation.