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Check out all routes leading to BRFAA by cliking here here



+ Metro

The Metro stop closest to BRFAA is the Katehaki stop.  It is on the blue line which goes to and from "Ag. Marina" and "Doukissis Plakentias". (download Athens Metro Map).  Once you have reached the Katehaki station, you can reach BRFAA by foot. The closest path is to go through the "Sotiria Hospital" which is on Messogeion Avenue (see map below)


+ Attiki Odos

  1. Head east and get off on "Y2 Papagou / Υ2 Παπάγου" exit.
  2. Once you get off the exit, follow the sign that says "Papagou / Παπάγου" onto "Anastaseos / Αναστάσεως" Street.
  3. Turn left on the 3rd traffic light onto "Stratarchou Alexandrou Papagou / Στρατάρχου Αλεξάνδρου Παπάγου" Street
  4. When you come to a fork in the road, merge left onto "Ionias / Ιωνίας" Street
  5. Pass through the traffic light, continue past the schools on your right-hand side, and turn right onto "Soranou Ephessiou / Σωρανού Εφεσίου" Street.
  6. Make the 2nd right and continue to the BRFAA gate.

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+ Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport using the Metro

  1. The Athens International Airport is accessible via Metro Line 3 (M3-AG.MARINA - DOUK.PLAKENTIAS - AIRPORT / M3-ΑΓ. ΜΑΡΙΝΑ - ΔΟΥΚ.ΠΛΑΚΕΝΤΙΑΣ - ΑΕΡΟΔΡΟΜΕΙΟ)
  2. Take the Metro Line 3 towards AG.MARINA / ΑΓ. ΜΑΡΙΝΑ and get off on the KATEHAKI / ΚΑΤΕΧΑΚΗ stop (10 stops, 31 min.)
  3. Once you get off at the KATEHAKI/ΚΑΤΕΧΑΚΗ station, you can reach BRFAA by foot. The closest path is to go through the "Sotiria Hospital" which is on Messogeion Avenue (please see map)