Dimitris Thanos and colleagues recently published a study in Molecular cell demonstrating the mechanism by which widely separated regions in the human genome are brought in physical proximity to control stochastic gene expression. Specifically, the authors showed that the transcription factor ThPOK works as a glue linking NF-kB regulated genes with specific genomic elements called NRCs (NF-kB Reception Centers). This physical association results in loading NF-kB to the promoters of the interacting genes to activate transcription.
Chrysa Nikopoulou, Giorgos Panagopoulos, Georgios Sianidis, Eleni Psarra, Ethan Ford, Dimitris Thanos. The Transcription Factor ThPOK Orchestrates Stochastic Interchromosomal Interactions Required for IFNB1 Virus-Inducible Gene Expression, Molecular Cell (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2018.06.019