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ΙΙΒΕΑΑ - Δημοσιεύσεις - 2003
Syriga, M., Mavroidis, M. 2013, Complement system activation in cardiac and skeletal muscle pathology: friend or foe?, Advances in experimental medicine and biology
Vlanti, A., Rousakis, A., Syntichaki, P. 2013, Gcn2 and TOR converge on aging, Aging
Sesele, K., Thanopoulou, K., Paouri, E., Tsefou, E., Klinakis, A., Georgopoulos, S. 2013, Conditional inactivation of nicastrin restricts amyloid deposition in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model, Aging Cell
Tsakiri, E.N., Sykiotis, G.P., Papassideri, I.S., Terpos, E., Dimopoulos, M.A., Gorgoulis, V.G., Bohmann, D., Trougakos, I.P. 2013, Proteasome dysfunction in Drosophila signals to an Nrf2-dependent regulatory circuit aiming to restore proteostasis and prevent premature aging, Aging Cell
Makrygiannis, S.S., Ampartzidou, O.S., Zairis, M.N., Patsourakos, N.G., Pitsavos, C., Tousoulis, D., Prekates, A.A., Foussas, S.G., Cokkinos, D.V. 2013, Prognostic usefulness of serial c-reactive protein measurements in st-elevation acute myocardial infarction, American Journal of Cardiology
Prakoura, N., Politis, P.K., Ihara, Y., Michalak, M., Charonis, A.S. 2013, Epithelial calreticulin up-regulation promotes profibrotic responses and tubulointerstitial fibrosis development, American Journal of Pathology
Litsiou, E., Semitekolou, M., Galani, I.E., Morianos, I., Tsoutsa, A., Kara, P., Rontogianni, D., Bellenis, I., Konstantinou, M., Potaris, K., Andreakos, E., Sideras, P., Zakynthinos, S., Tsoumakidou, M. 2013, CXCL13 production in B cells via toll-like receptor/lymphotoxin receptor signaling is involved in lymphoid neogenesis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Papastefanou, A., Balafas, E., Kostmitsopoulos, N. 2013, A simple method of endotracheal intubation in mice, Animal Technology and Welfare
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Stergiopoulos, A., Politis, P.K. 2013, The role of nuclear receptors in controlling the fine balance between proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Tsipis, A., Petrou, E., Kastania, A., Kourkoveli, P., Boutsikou, M., Bousoula, E., Mavrogeni, S., Kossida, S. 2013, Telecardiology and its clinical applications, Archives of Hellenic Medicine
Nastos, P.T., Politi, N., Kapsomenakis, J. 2013, Spatial and temporal variability of the Aridity Index in Greece, Atmospheric Research
Xilouri, M., Brekk, O.R., Kirik, D., Stefanis, L. 2013, LAMP2A as a therapeutic target in Parkinson disease, Autophagy
Park, C.S., Chen, S., Lee, H., Cha, H., Oh, J.G., Hong, S., Han, P., Ginsburg, K.S., Jin, S., Park, I., Singh, V.P., Wang, H.-S., Franzini-Armstrong, C., Park, W.J., Bers, D.M., Kranias, E.G., Cho, C., Kim, D.H. 2013, Targeted ablation of the histidine-rich Ca2+-binding protein (HRC) gene is associated with abnormal SR Ca2+-cycling and severe pathology under pressure-overload stress, Basic Research in Cardiology
Zisopoulou, S., Asimaki, O., Leondaritis, G., Vasilaki, A., Sakellaridis, N., Pitsikas, N., Mangoura, D. 2013, PKC-epsilon activation is required for recognition memory in the rat, Behavioural Brain Research
Makridakis, M., Roubelakis, M.G., Vlahou, A. 2013, Stem cells: Insights into the secretome, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics
Vlachakis, D., Tsagrasoulis, D., Megalooikonomou, V., Kossida, S. 2013, Introducing Drugster: A comprehensive and fully integrated drug design, lead and structure optimization toolkit, Bioinformatics
Ioannou, S., Chatziioannou, S., Pneumaticos, S.G., Zormpala, A., Sipsas, N.V. 2013, Fluorine-18 fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography scan contributes to the diagnosis and management of brucellar spondylodiskitis, BMC Infectious Diseases
Xilouri, M., Brekk, O.R., Landeck, N., Pitychoutis, P.M., Papasilekas, T., Papadopoulou-Daifoti, Z., Kirik, D., Stefanis, L. 2013, Boosting chaperone-mediated autophagy in vivo mitigates α-synuclein-induced neurodegeneration, Brain
Dalkas, G.A., Vlachakis, D., Tsagkrasoulis, D., Kastania, A., Kossida, S. 2013, State-of-the-art technology in modern computer-aided drug design, Briefings in Bioinformatics
Susini, M.C., Guglielmelli, P., Spolverini, A., Biamonte, F., Mannarelli, C., Barosi, G., Zoi, K., Reiter, A., Duncombe, A., Cervantes, F., Cazzola, M., Cross, N., Vannucchi, A.M. 2013, The ERCC2 Gln/Gln polymorphism at codon 751 is not associated with leukaemic transformation in primary myelofibrosis, British Journal of Haematology
Tsiouli, E., Alexopoulos, E.C., Stefanaki, C., Darviri, C., Chrousos, G.P. 2013, Effects of diabetes-related family stress on glycemic control in young patients with type 1 diabetes: Systematic review [Effets du stress familial lié au diabéte sur le contrôle glycémique chez les jeunes diabétiques de type 1: Synthése critique], Canadian Family Physician
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Cooks, T., Pateras, I., Tarcic, O., Solomon, H., Schetter, A., Wilder, S., Lozano, G., Pikarsky, E., Forshew, T., Rozenfeld, N., Harpaz, N., Itzkowitz, S., Harris, C., Rotter, V., Gorgoulis, V., Oren, M. 2013, Mutant p53 Prolongs NF-κB Activation and Promotes Chronic Inflammation and Inflammation-Associated Colorectal Cancer, Cancer Cell
Podolski-Renić, A., Jadranin, M., Stanković, T., Banković, J., Stojković, S., Chiourea, M., Aljančić, I., Vajs, V., Tešević, V., Ruždijić, S., Gagos, S., Tanić, N., Pešić, M. 2013, Molecular and cytogenetic changes in multi-drug resistant cancer cells and their influence on new compounds testing, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology
Boudoulas, K.D., Borer, J.S., Boudoulas, H. 2013, Etiology of valvular heart disease in the 21st century, Cardiology (Switzerland)
Banos, A., Agelopoulos, M., Thanos, D. 2013, XStochastic responses are not left to pure "chance", Cell
Evangelou, K., Bartkova, J., Kotsinas, A., Pateras, I.S., Liontos, M., Velimezi, G., Kosar, M., Liloglou, T., Trougakos, I.P., Dyrskjot, L., Andersen, C.L., Papaioannou, M., Drosos, Y., Papafotiou, G., Hodny, Z., Sosa-Pineda, B., Wu, X.-R., Klinakis, A., 2013, The DNA damage checkpoint precedes activation of ARF in response to escalating oncogenic stress during tumorigenesis, Cell Death and Differentiation
Zagoura, D.S., Trohatou, O., Bitsika, V., Makridakis, M., Pappa, K.I., Vlahou, A., Roubelakis, M.G., Anagnou, N.P. 2013, AF-MSCs fate can be regulated by culture conditions, Cell Death and Disease
Readman, M.C., Schliemann, M., Kalamatianos, D., Bullinger, E. 2013, A feedback control perspective on models of apoptosis signal transduction, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
Mischak, H., Vlahou, A., Ioannidis, J.P.A. 2013, Technical aspects and inter-laboratory variability in native peptide profiling: The CE-MS experience, Clinical Biochemistry
Anagnostopoulos, A.K., Tsangaris, G.T. 2013, Proteomics advancements in fetomaternal medicine, Clinical Biochemistry
Georgakopoulos, A., Pianou, N., Kelekis, N., Chatziioannou, S. 2013, Impact of 18F-FDG PET/CT on therapeutic decisions in patients with colorectal cancer and liver metastases, Clinical Imaging
Vlachakis, D., Kontopoulos, D.G., Kossida, S. 2013, Space constrained homology modelling: The paradigm of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of dengue (Type II) virus, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
Vlachakis, D., Kossida, S. 2013, Antibody drug conjugate bioinformatics: Drug delivery through the letterbox, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
Sokolis, D.P. 2013, Structurally-motivated characterization of the passive pseudo-elastic response of esophagus and its layers, Computers in Biology and Medicine
Koumandou, V.L., Wickstead, B., Ginger, M.L., Van Der Giezen, M., Dacks, J.B., Field, M.C. 2013, Molecular paleontology and complexity in the last eukaryotic common ancestor, Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Olgiati, P., Politis, A., Albani, D., Rodilossi, S., Polito, L., Zisaki, A., Piperi, C., Liappas, I., Stamouli, E., Mailis, A., Batelli, S., Forloni, G., Marsano, A., Balestri, M., Soldatos, C.R., de Ronchi, D., Kalofoutis, A., Serretti, A. 2013, Effects of SORL1 gene on Alzheimer's disease. focus on gender, neuropsychiatric symptoms and pro-inflammatory cytokines, Current Alzheimer Research
Reyes, E., Anagnostopoulos, C. 2013, Pharmacologic Stress Agents for Cardiac Imaging, Current Cardiovascular Imaging Reports
Drakopoulou, E., Papanikolaou, E., Georgomanoli, M., Anagnou, N.P. 2013, Towards more successful gene therapy clinical trials for β-Thalassemia, Current Molecular Medicine
Fanouriakis, A., Boumpas, D.T., Bertsias, G.K. 2013, Pathogenesis and treatment of CNS lupus, Current Opinion in Rheumatology
Roubelakis, M.G. 2013, Therapeutic potential of fetal mesenchymal stem cells, Current Stem Cell Research and Therapy
Trohatou, O., Anagnou, N.P., Roubelakis, M.G. 2013, Human amniotic fluid stem cells as an attractive tool for clinical applications, Current Stem Cell Research and Therapy
Bitsika, V., Vlahou, A., Roubelakis, M.G. 2013, Fetal mesenchymal stem cells in cancer therapy, Current Stem Cell Research and Therapy
Samitas, K., Zervas, E., Xanthou, G., Panoutsakopoulou, V., Gaga, M. 2013, Osteopontin is increased in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and bronchial tissue of smoking asthmatics, Cytokine
Cholidou, K.G., Kostakis, I.D., Manali, E.D., Perrea, D., Margeli, A., Vougas, K., Markozannes, E., Koulouris, N., Alchanatis, M. 2013, Calprotectin: A protein related to cardiovascular risk in adult patients with obstructive sleep apnea, Cytokine
Ioannou, M., Serafimidis, I., Arnes, L., Sussel, L., Singh, S., Vasiliou, V., Gavalas, A. 2013, ALDH1B1 is a potential stem/progenitor marker for multiple pancreas progenitor pools, Developmental Biology
Kadoglou, N.P.E., Fotiadis, G., Kapelouzou, A., Kostakis, A., Liapis, C.D., Vrabas, I.S. 2013, The differential anti-inflammatory effects of exercise modalities and their association with early carotid atherosclerosis progression in patients with Type 2 diabetes, Diabetic Medicine
Ntzouni, M.P., Skouroliakou, A., Kostomitsopoulos, N., Margaritis, L.H. 2013, Transient and cumulative memory impairments induced by GSM 1.8 GHz cell phone signal in a mouse model, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine
Koltsida, O., Karamnov, S., Pyrillou, K., Vickery, T., Chairakaki, A..-D., Tamvakopoulos, C., Sideras, P., Serhan, C.N., Andreakos, E. 2013, Toll-like receptor 7 stimulates production of specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators and promotes resolution of airway inflammation, EMBO Molecular Medicine
Ladis, V., Karagiorga-Lagana, M., Tsatra, I., Chouliaras, G. 2013, Thirty-year experience in preventing haemoglobinopathies in Greece: Achievements and potentials for optimisation, European Journal of Haematology
Maniadakis, N., Kourlaba, G., Cokkinos, D.V., Angeli, A., Kyriopoulos, J. 2013, The economic burden of atherothrombosis in Greece: Results from the THESIS study, European Journal of Health Economics
Kadoglou, N.P.E., Moustardas, P., Kapelouzo, A., Katsimpoulas, M., Giagini, A., Dede, E., Kostomitsopoulos, N., Karayannacos, P.E., Kostakis, A., Liapis, C.D. 2013, The anti-inflammatory effects of exercise training promote atherosclerotic plaque stabilization in apolipoprotein E knockout mice with diabetic atherosclerosis, European Journal of Histochemistry
Kadoglou, N.P., Moustardas, P., Kapelouzou, A., Katsimpoulas, M., Giagini, A., Dede, E., Kostomitsopoulos, N., Karayannacos, P.E., Kostakis, A., Liapis, C.D. 2013, The anti-inflammatory effects of exercise training promote atherosclerotic plaque stabilization in apolipoprotein E knockout mice with diabetic atherosclerosis., European journal of histochemistry : EJH
Georgakopoulos, A., Kontodimopoulos, N., Chatziioannou, S., Niakas, D. 2013, EORTC QLQ-C30 and FACT-Lym for the assessment of health-related quality of life of newly diagnosed lymphoma patients undergoing chemotherapy, European Journal of Oncology Nursing
Pavlopoulou, A., Vlachakis, D., Balatsos, N.A.A., Kossida, S. 2013, A comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of deadenylases, Evolutionary Bioinformatics
Vlachakis, D., Tsiliki, G., Pavlopoulou, A., Roubelakis, M.G., Champeris Tsaniras, S., Kossida, S. 2013, Antiviral stratagems against HIV-1 using RNA interference (RNAi) technology, Evolutionary Bioinformatics
Kougias, M., Vardavas, C.I., Anagnostopoulos, N., Matsunaga, Y., Tzwrtzi, A., Lymberi, M., Connolly, G.N., Behrakis, P.K. 2013, The acute effect of cigarette smoking on the respiratory function and FENO production among young smokers, Experimental Lung Research
Pitychoutis, P.M., Kokras, N., Sanoudou, D., Dalla, C., Papadopoulou-Daifoti, Z. 2013, Pharmacogenetic considerations for late life depression therapy, Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology
Lazaros, G., Toutouzas, K., Drakopoulou, M., Boudoulas, H., Stefanadis, C., Rajamannan, N. 2013, Aortic sclerosis and mitral annulus calcification: A window to vascular atherosclerosis?, Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy
Mermelekas, G., Makridakis, M., Koeck, T., Vlahou, A. 2013, Redox proteomics: From residue modifications to putative biomarker identification by gel- and LC-MS-based approaches, Expert Review of Proteomics
Vlachakis, D., Pavlopoulou, A., Kazazi, D., Kossida, S. 2013, Unraveling microalgal molecular interactions using evolutionary and structural bioinformatics, Gene
Chrabot, B.S., Kariuki, S.N., Zervou, M.I., Feng, X., Arrington, J., Jolly, M., Boumpas, D.T., Reder, A.T., Goulielmos, G.N., Niewold, T.B. 2013, Genetic variation near IRF8 is associated with serologic and cytokine profiles in systemic lupus erythematosus and multiple sclerosis, Genes and Immunity
Frousios, K., Iliopoulos, C.S., Tischler, G., Kossida, S., Pissis, S.P., Arhondakis, S. 2013, Transcriptome map of mouse isochores in embryonic and neonatal cortex, Genomics
Pappa, K.I., Gazouli, M., Anastasiou, E., Iliodromiti, Z., Antsaklis, A., Anagnou, N.P. 2013, Circadian clock gene expression is impaired in gestational diabetes mellitus, Gynecological Endocrinology
Kapelouzou, A., Cokkinos, D. 2013, Can we modify the course towards aortic stenosis?, Hellenic Journal of Cardiology
Katsi, V.K., Boudoulas, K.D., Lytrivi, I.D., Masoura, C., Tsioufis, C., Vlasseros, I., Kallikazaros, I., Stefanadis, C., Boudoulas, H. 2013, Medical error in clinical practice: "Errare humanum est", Hellenic Journal of Cardiology
Stakos, D.A., Tziakas, D.N., Chalikias, G., Mitrousi, K., Tsigalou, C., Boudoulas, H. 2013, Chest pain in patients with arterial hypertension, angiographically normal coronary arteries and stiff aorta: The aortic pain syndrome, Hellenic Journal of Cardiology
Kalles, V., Mekras, A., Mekras, D., Papapanagiotou, I., Al-Harethee, W., Sotiropoulos, G., Liakou, P., Kastania, A., Piperos, T., Mariolis-Sapsakos, T. 2013, De Garengeot's hernia: A comprehensive review, Hernia
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Krikri, A., Alexopoulos, V., Zoumakis, E., Katsaronis, P., Balafas, E., Kouraklis, G., Karayannacos, P.E., Chrousos, G.P., Skalkeas, G. 2013, Laparoscopic vs. open abdominal surgery in male pigs: Marked differences in cortisol and catecholamine response depending on the size of surgical incision, Hormones
Giannopoulos, N.G., Michalopoulos, I., Papandreou, N.C., Malatras, A., Iconomidou, V.A., Hamodrakas, S.J. 2013, LepChorionDB, a database of Lepidopteran chorion proteins and a set of tools useful for the identification of chorion proteins in Lepidopteran proteomes, Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Adamopoulos, S., Gouziouta, A., Mantzouratou, P., Laoutaris, I.D., Dritsas, A., Cokkinos, D.V., Mourouzis, I., Sfyrakis, P., Iervasi, G., Pantos, C. 2013, Thyroid hormone signalling is altered in response to physical training in patients with end-stage heart failure and mechanical assist devices: Potential physiological consequences?, Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery
Diamanti, E., Mathieu, S., Jeanneau, C., Kitraki, E., Panopoulos, P., Spyrou, G., About, I. 2013, Endoplasmic reticulum stress and mineralization inhibition mechanism by the resinous monomer HEMA, International Endodontic Journal
Schlesinger, S., Aleksandrova, K., Pischon, T., Fedirko, V., Jenab, M., Trepo, E., Boffetta, P., Dahm, C.C., Overvad, K., Tjønneland, A., Halkjær, J., Fagherazzi, G., Boutron-Ruault, M.-C., Carbonnel, F., Kaaks, R., Lukanova, A., Boeing, H., Trichopoulou, 2013, Abdominal obesity, weight gain during adulthood and risk of liver and biliary tract cancer in a European cohort, International Journal of Cancer
Anagnostopoulos, C., Georgakopoulos, A., Pianou, N., Nekolla, S.G. 2013, Assessment of myocardial perfusion and viability by Positron Emission Tomography, International Journal of Cardiology
Laoutaris, I.D., Adamopoulos, S., Manginas, A., Panagiotakos, D.B., Kallistratos, M.S., Doulaptsis, C., Kouloubinis, A., Voudris, V., Pavlides, G., Cokkinos, D.V., Dritsas, A. 2013, Benefits of combined aerobic/resistance/inspiratory training in patients with chronic heart failure. A complete exercise model? A prospective randomised study, International Journal of Cardiology
Aravidou, E., Tsangaris, G., Samara, A., Dontas, I., Botsis, D., Aravidis, C., Chrousos, G.P., Malamitsi-Puchner, A. 2013, Aberrant expression of collapsin response mediator proteins-1, -2 and -5 in the brain of intrauterine growth restricted rats, International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience
Doxakis, E. 2013, Principles of miRNA-target regulation in metazoan models., International journal of molecular sciences
Kitsios, K., Papadopoulou, M., Kosta, K., Kadoglou, N., Papagianni, M., Tsiroukidou, K. 2013, High-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels and metabolic disorders in obese and overweight children and adolescents, JCRPE Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology
Gkeka, P., Eleftheratos, S., Kolocouris, A., Cournia, Z. 2013, Free energy calculations reveal the origin of binding preference for aminoadamantane blockers of influenza A/M2TM pore, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Roberts, M.L., Kino, T., Nicolaides, N.C., Hurt, D.E., Katsantoni, E., Sertedaki, A., Komianou, F., Kassiou, K., Chrousos, G.P., Charmandari, E. 2013, A novel point mutation in the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of the human glucocorticoid receptor causes primary generalized glucocorticoid resistance by disrupting the hydrophobic structure of its DBD, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
Kolilekas, L., Manali, E., Vlami, K.A., Lyberopoulos, P., Triantafillidou, C., Kagouridis, K., Baou, K., Gyftopoulos, S., Vougas, K.N., Karakatsani, A., Alchanatis, M., Papiris, S. 2013, Sleep oxygen desaturation predicts survival in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine
Gazouli, M., Anagnostopoulos, A.K., Papadopoulou, A., Vaiopoulou, A., Papamichael, K., Mantzaris, G., Theodoropoulos, G.E., Anagnou, N.P., Tsangaris, G.T. 2013, Serum protein profile of Crohn's disease treated with infliximab, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis
Braoudaki, M., Lambrou, G.I., Vougas, K., Karamolegou, K., Tsangaris, G.T., Tzortzatou-Stathopoulou, F. 2013, Protein biomarkers distinguish between high- and low-risk pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a tissue specific manner, Journal of Hematology and Oncology
Assimakopoulos, S.F., Charonis, A.S. 2013, Uncovering the molecular events associated with increased intestinal permeability in liver cirrhosis: The pivotal role of enterocyte tight junctions and future perspectives, Journal of Hepatology
Christaki, E., Kokkinos, A., Costarelli, V., Alexopoulos, E.C., Chrousos, G.P., Darviri, C. 2013, Stress management can facilitate weight loss in Greek overweight and obese women: A pilot study, Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Phieler, J., Chung, K.-J., Chatzigeorgiou, A., Klotzsche-Von Ameln, A., Garcia-Martin, R., Sprott, D., Moisidou, M., Tzanavari, T., Ludwig, B., Baraban, E., Ehrhart-Bornstein, M., Bornstein, S.R., Mziaut, H., Solimena, M., Karalis, K.P., Economopoulou, M. 2013, The complement anaphylatoxin C5a receptor contributes to obese adipose tissue inflammation and insulin resistance, Journal of Immunology
Pagida, M.A., Konstantinidou, A.E., Tsekoura, E., Mangoura, D., Patsouris, E., Panayotacopoulou, M.T. 2013, Vulnerability of the mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons of the human neonate to prolonged perinatal hypoxia: An immunohistochemical study of tyrosine hydroxylase expression in autopsy material, Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology
Gkeka, P., Sarkisov, L., Angelikopoulos, P. 2013, Homogeneous hydrophobic-hydrophilic surface patterns enhance permeation of nanoparticles through lipid membranes, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Frantzi, M., Zoidakis, J., Papadopoulos, T., Zürbig, P., Katafigiotis, I., Stravodimos, K., Lazaris, A., Giannopoulou, I., Ploumidis, A., Mischak, H., Mullen, W., Vlahou, A. 2013, IMAC fractionation in combination with LC-MS reveals H2B and NIF-1 peptides as potential bladder cancer biomarkers, Journal of Proteome Research
Papachristou, E.K., Roumeliotis, T.I., Chrysagi, A., Trigoni, C., Charvalos, E., Townsend, P.A., Pavlakis, K., Garbis, S.D. 2013, The shotgun proteomic study of the human ThinPrep cervical smear using iTRAQ mass-tagging and 2D LC-FT-Orbitrap-MS: The detection of the human papillomavirus at the protein level, Journal of Proteome Research
Trougakos, I.P., Sesti, F., Tsakiri, E., Gorgoulis, V.G. 2013, Non-enzymatic post-translational protein modifications and proteostasis network deregulation in carcinogenesis, Journal of Proteomics
Mansor, R., Mullen, W., Albalat, A., Zerefos, P., Mischak, H., Barrett, D.C., Biggs, A., Eckersall, P.D. 2013, A peptidomic approach to biomarker discovery for bovine mastitis, Journal of Proteomics
Chatziioannou, A.N., Siskos, A.P., Loxas, D., Kavatzas, N., Agrogiannis, G., Fokas, D., Malagari, K., Kostomitsopoulos, N.G., Tsigkou, O., Tamvakopoulos, C. 2013, Transarterial embolization with sorafenib in animal livers: A pharmacokinetics study, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology
Vannucchi, A.M., Lasho, T.L., Guglielmelli, P., Biamonte, F., Pardanani, A., Pereira, A., Finke, C., Score, J., Gangat, N., Mannarelli, C., Ketterling, R.P., Rotunno, G., Knudson, R.A., Susini, M.C., Laborde, R.R., Spolverini, A., Pancrazzi, A., Pieri, L. 2013, Mutations and prognosis in primary myelofibrosis, Leukemia
Albalat, A., Bitsika, V., Zurbig, P., Siwy, J., Mullen, W. 2013, High-resolution proteome/peptidome analysis of body fluids by capillary electrophoresis coupled with MS, Methods in Molecular Biology
Taka, S., Gazouli, M., Politis, P.K., Pappa, K.I., Anagnou, N.P. 2013, Transcription factor ATF-3 regulates allele variation phenotypes of the human SLC11A1 gene, Molecular Biology Reports
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