Biomedical Research Foundation Academy Of AthensAcademy Of Athens
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Έρευνα για τη Θαλασσαιμία

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Εκδήλωση Έναρξης Κέντρου Περιβαλλοντικής Υγείας ΙΙΒΕΑΑ

Κατάμεστο το Ηρώδειο στο ρεσιτάλ του Μάριου Φραγκούλη παρουσία της Αυτού Θειοτάτης Παναγιότητος του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου κ. κ. Βαρθολομαίου

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O Μάριος Φραγκούλης στο Ωδείο Ηρώδου Αττικού

O Μάριος Φραγκούλης στο Ωδείο Ηρώδου Αττικού στο Πλαίσιο Συνεδρίου του Κέντρου Περιβαλλοντικής Υγείας ΙΙΒΕΑΑ

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Seminar Series

The Center of Clinical, Experimental Surgery and Translational Research announce a new Seminar Series for the first semester of 2014.

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BRFAA is participating in the Open House Athens 2014 Program

On Saturday, April 5, 2014, BRFAA will be open to the public so those that are interested may walk through our campus and enjoy the architecture of our buildings.

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Deepest condolences

It is with deep regret and profound sadness that we inform you that Natassa Athanasopoulou, who worked at the Center for Experimental Surgery of our Foundation, was fatally injured in a car accident while on her way to work. Her charismatic personality, courteous character and hard working nature gained the respect of all BRFAA employees. Our deepest sympathy goes out to her mother and brother. All BRFAA employees with the family patience during this difficult time.

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A high honor was awarded to Professor-Academician and President of BRFAA, Mr. Gregory Skalkeas

His Excellency, the President of the Hellenic Republic Mr. Karolos Papoulias, awarded Professor Emeritus, Academician, and President of BRFAA, Gregory Skalkeas with the Grand Cross of the Order of the Phoenix

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Event under the Framework of FP7 Regpot Program “TranSMed” regarding BRFAA Infrastructure and Activities within Preclical Translational Research and Possible Bridges with Industry

On Wednesday, October 16, the BRFAA team of researchers that participated in the European FP7 Regpot program “TranSMed”, met with executives from pharmaceutical companies

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BRFAA – TranSMed Team Hosts Open House

BRFAA’s team of TranSMed researchers hosted an open house on October 16th which was open to the general public, neighbors, students, and anybody who had an interest in biology and biomedical research.

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Leonidas Stefanis received a Research Excellence Grant Award

Leonidas Stefanis, Collaborating Scientist at the Neurodegenerative Diseases lab of BRFAA, received a Research Excellence Grant Award from the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Greek Ministry of Education for his work that focuses on understanding the role of Chaperone Mediated Autophagy (CMA) in the nervous system.

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Dr. Litsa Kranias became a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Athens

On Tuesday, March 19, at 19.00, Ms. Litsa Kranias became accepted into the Academy of Athens as a Corresponding Member.

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BRFAA Investigator receives a Research Excellence Grant Award

Aristidis S. Charonis received a Research Excellence Grant Award for his work that focuses on understanding the development of renal fibrosis and developing molecular markers in order to be able to perform early diagnosis.

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BRFAA Celebrates its 10 Year Anniversary

This article is currently only available in Greek

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BRFAA Participates in THALAMOSS Network

Dr. Eleni Katsantoni, from BRFAA’s Division of Hematology-Oncology, is participating in the THALAMOSS network

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BRFAA coordinates 8M Euro FP7 Program

Dr Evangelos Andreakos from the Center for Immunology and Transplantation of BRFAA coordinates RISKYCAD

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Elizabeth Blackburn at BRFAA

2009 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine gives a talk about "Telemeres and Telemerase: their Roles in Disease and Health"

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From Greece ... to Manchester

The first compatible unit of umbilical cord blood was sent from the Hellenic Cord Blood Bank to τηε Children’s Hospital in Manchester UK, for an unrelated allogenic transplantation procedure

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