Biomedical Research Foundation Academy Of AthensAcademy Of Athens
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News Archive
ανάδειξέ το: interview with Dr. Zerva

Christos Zervas, Investigator - Assistant Professor Level at BRFAA, was invited to speak on the show Ανάδειξέ το

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Speaker: Dr. Giorgio Trinchieri

Dr. Trinchieri will be giving his talk titled, Cancer as a Disease of the Symbiont/Metaorganism, on June 19th at 11:00

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Ηθικοί Προβληματισμοί στην Βιοϊατρική Έρευνα

Η ημερίδα θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο ΙΙΒΕΑΑ την Τετάρτη 21 Ιουνίου και ώρα 17:30

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Workshop on Ethical & Legal Issues Concerning Biobanking 

The Workshop will take place on June 20th at BRFAA.

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Dimitrios Boumpas Received Prestigious ERC Advanced Grant

Prof. Boumpas has been awarded funding for his research project “Lupus Care”. Only 231 of Europe’s top researchers were honored with this distinguished award. The funding of the awards reached the sum of €540 million and will give these researchers the opportunity to actualize their ideas and hence have a major impact on science, science and the economy.

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Book Presentation

Professor Emeritus Alkiviadis Kostakis is presenting his book on Thursday, June 15th

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Speaker: Dr. Dorothea Pinotsi

Dr. Pinotsi will give her talk titled, Super-resolution Microscopy for the Direct Visualization of Seeding and Toxicity of α-Synuclein Species in Neurons, on Friday June 16th at 13:00

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Video of the lectures that took place in the conference with title, Aristotle and Medicine. (in Greek)

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Speaker: Dr. Konstantinos Stellos

Dr. Stellos will give his talk entitled 'Novel RNA Metabolism Mechanisms in Cardiovascular Disease', this Friday, May 12th at 12:00

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Aristotle and Medicine

The conference 'Aristotle and Medicine' will take place at BRFAA on May 17. (in Greek only)

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Bodossakis Foundation's Scientific Awards

Professor Emmanouil Dermitzakis will be awarded with one of the Bodossakis Foundation's Scientific Awards.

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Demetrios Vassilatis' Interview

Dr. Vassilatis is interviewed about his recent publication in PNAS

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Vassilis Gorgoulis’ Interview

Prof. Gorgoulis was interviewed in a recent issue of The Pathologist journal

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Dimitrios Thanos is elected Member of the Academy of Athens

The President of BRFAA’s Scientific Board was elected as a Member of the Academy of Athens.

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Georgina Xanthou talks about her research in Immunology and Asthma

Dr. Xanthou is interviewed by Roula Skourigianni on the show "Αναδειξέ το"

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Speaker: Petros Kolovos

Wednesday, December 7th - Seminar Title, 'A Tale for TFs and Chromatin Architecture'

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Ο Δρ Κωστομητσόπουλος ορίστηκε μέλος Εθνικής Επιτροπής

Με Υπουργική Απόφαση, ορίστηκε ο Νικόλαος Κωστομητσόπουλος μέλος της Επιτροπής για την ευζωία των ζώων που χρησιμοποιούνται για επιστημονικούς σκοπούς.

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Popi Syntichaki discusses the study of the phenomenon of aging

Popi Syntichaki, Investigator – Assistant Professor Level, is interviewed by Roula Skourigianni on the show "Αναδειξέ το".

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Dr Marios Aggelopoulos speaks on the program Ανάδειξέ το

Marios Aggelopoulos, an Investigator at BRFAA, was invited to speak on "Ανάδειξέ το"

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Speaker: Thanos Halazonetis

Special Seminar by Thanos Halazonetis with title, 'Mechanisms of oncogene-induced DNA replication stress', Thursday September 22

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