Biomedical Research Foundation Academy Of AthensAcademy Of Athens
Scientific Personnel

Aristidis S. Aristidis S. Charonis, MD, PhD
Affiliated Investigator

Telephone : +30 210 6597 071
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Center :

Clinical, Experimental Surgery & Translational Research

Brief Bio

Aristidis S. Charonis was born in Athens, Greece, in 1952. He graduated from Varvakion High School and attended the Medical School of the University of Athens, where he received his M.D. degree in 1976. He received his Ph.D. in Cell Biology in 1982 from the University of California San Francisco. He did postdoctoral work at Yale University Medical School and from 1987 till 1998 he was a faculty member (Assistant and Associate Professor with tenure) at the Department of Pathology, University of Minnesota Medical School. From 1995 till 2002 he was an Associate Professor of Histology at the University of Patras Medical School. From 2002 he has been a member of the BRFAA research faculty, initially as a Chief Researcher and then as a Director of Research at the Center of Clinical, Experimental Surgery and Translational Research. From 2020 he is a Collaborating Investigator and a member of the Bioethical Committee of BRFAA.

His research work has focused on extracellular matrix and its pathobiology with emphasis on renal diseases and diabetes. In addition, he has committed major part of his time in biobanking.

Selected Publications

Charonis AS, Skubitz APN, Koliakos GG, Reger LA, Dege J, Vogel AM, Wohlhueter R and Furcht LT (1988). A novel synthetic peptide from the B1 chain of laminin with heparin-binding and cell adhesion-promoting activities. J.Cell Biol. 107, 1253-1260

Charonis AS, Reger LA, Dege JE, Koliakos KK, Furcht LT, Wohlhueter RM and Tsilibary EC (1990). Laminin alterations after in vitro non-enzymatic glycosylation. Diabetes 39, 807-814

Haitoglou CS, Tsilibary EC, Brownlee M and Charonis AS (1992). Altered cellular interactions between endothelial cells and nonenzymatically glycosylated laminin /type IV collagen. J.Biol.Chem. 267, 12404-12407

Charonis AS and Tsilibary EC (1992). Structural and functional changes of laminin and type IV collagen following nonenzymatic glycation. Diabetes 41, 49-51

Anderson SS, Tsilibary EC and Charonis AS (1993). Nonenzymatic glycosylation induced modifications of intact tubular basement membrane. J.Clinical Invest. 92, 3045-3052

Zhou B, Nelson TR, Kashtan C, Gleason B, Vlassi M, Michael AF and Charonis AS (2000). Identification of two alterantively spliced forms of human tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen (TIN-ag). Journal of the American Society of Nephrology  11, 658-668

Kypreou K, Kavvadas P, Karamessinis P, Peroulis M, Alberti A, Sideras P, Psarras S, Capetanaki Y, Politis P, Charonis AS (2008). Altered expression of calreticulin during the development of fibrosis. Proteomics, 8, 2407-2419

Alberti A, Karamessinis P, Peroulis M, Kypreou K, Kavvadas P, Pagakis S, Politis P, Charonis AS (2009). Erp46 is reduced by high glucose and regulares insulin content in pancreatic beta cells. Am. J. Physiol. Endocrin. Metab. 297:E812-E821        

Prakoura N, Politis PK, Ihara Y, Michalak M, Charonis AS.  Epithelial calreticulin up-regulation promotes profibrotic responses and tubulointerstitial fibrosis development.   Am J Pathol. 2013 Nov;183(5):1474-87

Arvaniti E, Moulos P, Vakrakou A, Chatziantoniou C, Chadjichristos C, Kavvadas P, Charonis A. Politis PK.  Whole transcriprome analysis of UUO mouse model of renal fibrosis reveals new molecular players in kidney diseases.  Scientific Reports 2016, 6:26235

Arvaniti E, Vakrakou A, Kaltezioti V, Stergiopoulos A, Prakoura N, Politis PK, Charonis A. Nuclear receptor NR5A2 is involved in the calreticulin gene regulation during renal fibrosis.  BBA Molecular Basis of Disease 2016, 1862:1774

Rizou M, Frangou EA, Marineli F, Prakoura N, Zoidakis J, Gakiopoulou H, Liapis G, Kavvadas P, Chatziantoniou C, Makridakis M, Vlahou A, Boletis J, Vlahakos D, Goumenos D, Daphnis E, Iatrou C, Charonis AS. The family of 14-3-3 proteins and specifically 14-3-3σ are up-regulated during the development of renal pathologies  J. Cell. Mol. Med. 22:4139, 2018



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