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Rigas P, Sigalas C, Tsakanikas P, Adamos D, Laskaris N and Skaliora I (2015) Spontaneous Up states: a single metric index of the functional maturation and regional differentiation of the mouse cerebral cortex. Front Neural Circuits Oct 13;9:59. link to paper
Sigalas C, Rigas P, Tsakanikas P and Skaliora I (2015) High-affinity nicotinic receptors modulate spontaneous cortical up states in vitro. J Neurosci 35:11196-11208. link to paper
Konsolaki E and Skaliora I (2015) Motor vs. cognitive elements of apparent “hyperlocomotion”: a conceptual and experimental clarification. PNAS 112 (1) E3-E4. link to paper
Konsolaki E and Skaliora I (2015) Premature aging phenotype in mice lacking high affinity nicotinic receptors: region specific changes in layer V pyramidal cell morphology. Cerebral Cortex 25:2138-48. link to paper
Σκαλιόρα Ε (2014) «Νευροεπιστήμη και Ελλάδα: άκαιρη πολυτέλεια ή εφαλτήριο για ανάπτυξη;» Σύγχρονα Θέματα, 124: 99-101. link to paper
Σκαλιόρα Ε (2006) «Η Χαρτογράφηση του Εγκεφάλου και του Νου: Από τον Gall στο Γονιδίωμα», Σύναψις, τεύχος 3, pp 64-76. link to paper
Skaliora I, Doubell TP, Holmes NP, Nodal FR and King AJ (2004) Functional topography of converging visual and auditory inputs to neurons in the rat superior colliculus. J Neurophysiol 92: 2933-46. link to paper
Doubell TP, Skaliora I, Baron J and King AJ (2003) Functional connectivity between the superficial and deeper layers of the superior colliculus: an anatomical substrate for sensorimotor integration. J Neurosci 23: 6596-6607. link to paper
Skaliora I, Adams R and Blakemore C (2000) Morphology and growth patterns of developing thalamocortical axons. J Neurosci 20: 3650-3662. link to paper
Skaliora I, Singer W, Betz H and Püschel AW (1998) Differential patterns of semaphorin expression in the developing rat brain. Eur J Neurosci 10: 1215-29. link to paper
Skaliora I, Robinson DW, Scobey RP and Chalupa LM (1995) Properties of K+ conductances in cat retinal ganglion cells during the period of activity-mediated refinements in retinofugal pathways. Eur J Neurosci 7: 1558-1568. link to paper
Skaliora I, Scobey RP and Chalupa LM (1993) Prenatal development of excitability in cat retinal ganglion cells: Action potentials and sodium currents. J Neurosci 13: 313-323. link to paper