Biomedical Ίδρυμα Ιατροβιολογικών Ερευνών, Ακαδημίας ΑθηνώνΑκαδημία Αθηνών
Επιστημονικό Προσωπικό

Λασκαρώ Λασκαρώ Ζαγοραίου, PhD
Ερευνητής Γ'

Τηλέφωνο : +30 210 6597514
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Βασική Έρευνα

Επιλεγμένες Δημοσιεύσεις

Kokkorakis N, Douka K, Nalmpanti A, Politis PK, Zagoraiou L, Matsas R, Gaitanou M. Mirk/Dyrk1B controls ventral spinal cord development via Shh pathway. Cell Mol Life Sci 2024 Jan 31;81(1):70.

Eleftheriadis PE, Pothakos K, Sharples SA, Apostolou PE, Mina M, Tetringa E, Tsape E, Miles GB, Zagoraiou L. Peptidergic modulation of motor neuron output via CART signaling at C bouton synapses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023 Sep 26;120(39).

Konsolaki E, Koropouli E, Tsape E, Pothakos K, Zagoraiou L. Genetic inactivation of cholinergic C bouton output improves motor performance but not survival in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neuroscience 2020 Dec 1:450:71-80.

Nascimento F, Broadhead MJ, Tetringa E, Tsape E, Zagoraiou L, Miles GB.  Synaptic mechanisms underlying modulations of locomotor-related motoneuron output by premotor cholinergic interneurons. eLife. 2020 Feb 21;9:e54170.

Rozani I, Tsapara G, Witts EC, Deaville SJ, Miles GB, Zagoraiou L. Pitx2 cholinergic interneurons are the source of C bouton synapses on brainstem motor neurons. Sci Rep. 2019 Mar 20;9(1):4936.

Prekop HT, Kroiss A, Rook V, Zagoraiou L, Jessell TM, Fernandes C, Delogu A, Wingate RJT. Sox14 is required for a specific subset of Cerebello-Olivary projections. J Neurosci. 2018 Oct 31;38(44):9539-9550.

Mina M, Konsolaki E, Zagoraiou L. Translational Research on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): The Preclinical SOD1 Mouse Model. Journal of Translational Neurosciences 2018 Aug 14.

Jager P, Ye Z, Yu X, Zagoraiou L, Prekop HT, Partanen J, Jessell TM, Wisden W, Brickley SG, Delogu A. Tectal-derived interneurons contribute to phasic and tonic inhibition in the visual 1 thalamus. Nat Commun. 2016 Dec 8;7:13579.

Witts EC, Zagoraiou L, Miles GB. Anatomy and function of cholinergic C bouton inputs to motor neurons. J Anat. 2014 Jan;224(1):52-60.

Dougherty KJ*, Zagoraiou L*+, Satoh D, Rozani I, Doobar S, Arber S, Jessell TM, Kiehn O+. Locomotor rhythm generation linked to the output of spinal Shox2 excitatory Interneurons. Neuron. 2013 Nov 20;80(4):920-33.

Delogu A, Sellers K, Zagoraiou L, Bocianowska-Zbrog A, Mandal S, Guimera J, Rubenstein J, Sugden D, Jessell TM, Lumsden A. Subcortical visual shell nuclei targeted by ipRGCs develop from a Sox14+-GABAergic progenitor and require Sox14 to regulate daily activity rhythms. Neuron. 2012 75(4):648-62.

Siembab VC, Smith CA, Zagoraiou L, Berrocal MC, Mentis GZ and Alvarez FJ. Target selection of proprioceptive and motor axon synapses on neonatal V1-derived Ia inhibitory interneurons and Renshaw Cells. J.Comp.Neurol. Cover article. 2010 518(23):4675-70



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