BRFAA - Biomedical Research Foundation Academy Of Athens
Biomedical Research Foundation Academy Of AthensAcademy Of Athens


The primary objective of Professor Tzioufas' research group is to establish a precise cellular and molecular stratification approach for autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases based on different clinical phenotypes. This endeavor involves the meticulous identification of homogeneous subpopulations among patients, sharing common denominators, namely:

  1. Disease Phenotype: Referring to the clinical expression of each disease.
  2. Disease Endotype: Encompassing the pathogenetic mechanisms that define each phenotype.
  3. Accurate identification of Biomarkers associated with the disease phenotype and endotype.

To achieve this goal, the research group will utilize two distinct autoimmune inflammatory responses as models:

Chronic Autoimmune Response based on type I interferons: This segment of the research will delve into the intricacies of acquired autoimmunity, with a primary focus on employing Sjogren's syndrome and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus as representative models.

Acute Autoinflammatory Response based on IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-a: Emphasizing the dynamics of acute autoinflammation, the research group will predominantly employ giant cell vasculitis as a model system.