Biomedical Research Foundation Academy Of AthensAcademy Of Athens
Position Opportunities : Call of Interest for Secretarial Support in a Research Program

Ref:  2321/13-11-2012

Call of Interest for Secretarial Support in a Research Program

Individuals interested in a position of secretarial support of up to one year for the «CASSINI» program of the Office of Space Research and Technology of the Academy of Athens are invited to apply.

In addition to general secretarial duties, the applicants are expected to have excellent skills in the use of both conversational and written English, ability to use computer software programs such as Microsoft Office, ability to do internet searches, and some knowledge of relevant scientific terminology.

Those interested are asked to provide to the Ι.ΙΒ.Ε.Α.Α. secretariat (Soranou Efessiou 4, 115 27, Athens, c/o Personnel Department) a short CV in English (maximum two pages) before 23/11/2012. For more information please contact the office of Academician Stamatios Krimizis, Supervisor of the Office of Space Research and Technology at

The President

Gregory Skalkeas

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