Ref: 930/17-5-2012
Call of Interest for two post-doctoral positions and one funded PhD candidate position at the laboratory of Developmental Biology of the Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens (BRFAA)
BRFAA is interested in employing two full-time post-doctoral fellows and a PhD student for a research program entitled: Deciphering the signaling pathways that shape a cardiac valve. The positions are funded within the „Aristia“ funding framework. The Beis lab is using zebrafish in order to study the mechanism of cardiac valve development and function.
The two post-doctoral candidates should have a PhD in Biology or related disciplines, excellent knowledge of the English language and computer skills. Experience in Molecular, Cell Biology or Microscopy is desired from the ideal candidate. The contract will be for 12 months with the option to renew up to 36 months.
The PhD candidate should have a Diploma in Biology or related disciplines and a MSc in Biology or related disciplines, excellent knowledge of the English language and computer skills.
Please send CVs and the name and address of two referees to support your application by June 30th 2012 to Dimitris Beis (