Biomedical Research Foundation Academy Of AthensAcademy Of Athens
Position Opportunities : Call of interest for one postdoctoral position in Computational Chemistry at the Pharmacology-Pharmacotechnology Division

Ref: 1128/19-6-2012

Call of interest for one postdoctoral position in Computational Chemistry at the Pharmacology-Pharmacotechnology Division of the Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens (BRFAA).

BRFAA is interested in employing a post-doctoral fellow and three research assistants for a research programme entitled “Targeting the mutated PI3Kα isoform for the development of novel anti-cancer agents”. The positions are funded by a “Marie Curie International Re-integration Grant”.

The postdoctoral researcher will work on computer-aided drug design for targeting the mutated forms of the cancerous PI3Kα protein. Moreover, the researcher will work on studying the structure and dynamics of the mutated protein in association with model membranes with Molecular Dynamics simulations in order to gain insights into the mechanism of oncogenesis.

The following qualifications are required:
• Diploma and PhD in Chemistry, Physics, Pharmacy, Biology or related discipline
• Proven experience in computational chemistry and molecular simulation techniques
• Good knowledge of the structure and function of the kinase family and in particular of the PI3Kα protein
• Good knowledge of the structure and dynamics οf membrane-associated systems
• Programming experience
• Excellent knowledge (written and spoken) of the English language

The position is announced for one year with the possibility for renewal and will commence on September 1st 2012. Interested candidates please email a CV to, including the names of three referees and a letter of intent or contact Dr. Zoe Cournia by phone at 210-6597195 by 1- 07- 2012.

For more information on the Cournia lab research interests, please refer to the webpage:



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