Ref: 452/18-2-2013
BRFAA is interested in recruiting a PhD student to work on the research project entitled «PIK3CA Oncogenic Mutations in Breast and Colon Cancers: Development of Targeted Anticancer Drugs and Diagnostics» under the National Action “Cooperation” of the NATIONAL STRATEGIC REFERENCE FRAMEWORK NSRF 2007-2013.
Τhe PhD Candidate will develop and apply algorithms for computational intelligence and simulation.
The candidates should have a degree in informatics, physics, mathematics, electrical engineering or in similar fields and the field of his/her PhD should be in the broader area of bioinformatics.
Interested candidates should submit a letter of intent and detailed C.V. to the Secretariat of BRFAA (Soranou Efesiou 4, 115 27 Athens, Attention of Personnel Department) by 04/03/2013. For more information, please contact Dr G. Spyrou (