Ref: 590/04-03-2013
BRFAA is interested in recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to work on the research project entitled “The role of inflammation in arterial remodeling and atherosclerosis” that is funded by the FP7 programme of the European Union.
The selected candidate will work on the analysis and characterization of transcriptional networks that are activated during inflammation.
Essential prerequisites for this position are: 1) A degree in Biology or Biochemistry 2) A doctoral degree 3) Excellent communication skills in English and 4) Publications in international scientific journals.
Experience in the use and development of computational tools for the study of gene expression will be an advantage.
Interested candidates should submit a letter of intent and detailed C.V. to the Secretariat of BRFAA (Soranou Efessiou 4, 115 27 Athens, Attention of Personnel Department) by 15/3/2013. For more information, please contact Dr D. Thanos (