Biomedical Research Foundation Academy Of AthensAcademy Of Athens
Scientific Personnel

Marios Marios Agelopoulos, PhD
Researcher D'

Telephone : +30 210 6597488, +3- 210 6597 454
Fax : +30 210 6597 545
e-mail :

Center :

Basic Research

Brief Bio

Dr. Marios Agelopoulos earned his B.S. degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Crete in 2002. His undergraduate diploma thesis was performed in the laboratory of Professor C. Louis at IMBB (Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Heraklion-Crete).

In 2002, he joined Dr. Thanos’ laboratory at BSRC “AL. FLEMING” for his PhD Thesis studies, which were completed in 2007 at BRFAA. During his Ph.D Thesis he investigated the role of chromatin architecture in inducible gene expression using virus-infections as a model system.

In 2007 he was awarded a long-term EMBO fellowship for post-doctoral research at Columbia University, where he joined the laboratory of Professor Richard S. Mann at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics. His research was focused on analyzing chromatin-based mechanisms of developmentally regulated gene activation and repression during early embryonic life, in Drosophila.

In 2012, Dr. Agelopoulos returned to BRFAA as a senior post-doctoral research scientist in Dr. Thanos’ laboratory and he performed research on the role of chromatin structure in eukaryotic gene expression.

In 2015, Dr. Agelopoulos was appointed as an Investigator D (lecturer level) at the Center of Basic Research. He currently holds the above position and his laboratory research focuses on the role of chromatin architecture and genome plasticity in gene-specific transcription using model systems such as Drosophila embryos, Mouse Embryos and cell lines

Selected Publications

Lavigne MD, Vatsellas G, Polyzos A, Mantouvalou E, Sianidis G, Maraziotis Ι, Agelopoulos M, Thanos D. (2015). Composite macroH2A/NRF-1 Nucleosomes Suppress Noise and Generate Robustness in Gene Expression.Cell Rep.

Agelopoulos M, McKay DJ, Mann RS.(2014). cgChIP: a cell type- and gene-specific
method for chromatin analysis. Methods Mol Biol.1196:291-306

Banos A, Agelopoulos M, Thanos D. (2013). Stochastic responses are not left to pure"chance".
Cell 155(3):499-502

Agelopoulos M, McKay DJ, Mann RS. (2012). Developmental regulation of chromatin conformation by Hox proteins in Drosophila. Cell Rep.19;1(4):350-9

Agelopoulos M, Thanos D. (2006). Epigenetic determination of a cell-specific gene expression program by ATF-2 and the histone variant macroH2A. EMBO J. 18;25(20):4843


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