Ref: 1217/29-6-2012
Call of interest for one post-doctoral position at the laboratory of Cell Biology of the Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens (BRFAA).
We are interested in employing a post-doctoral fellow (maximum duration 24 months) for a “SYNERGASIA” research program entitled “Immunosuppressive mechanisms in autoimmune diseases targeting specialized therapies”. The candidate should be able to make a significant contribution on the following research topics:
Τhe candidates should have a Ph.D. in Cellular Immunology and have experience on working with mouse models of autoimmunity and extensive analysis of the adaptive immunity. Previous experience in the EAE models will be an asset. Technical expertise with flow cytometry and cell culture is absolutely necessary.
Interested candidates should send an email with a CV attached and including the names of two investigators that can provide reference letter to (Dr. V. Panoutsakopoulou) until 17/7/2012.