Ref: 1447 / 25 -7- 2012
BRFAA is interested in employing a PhD candidate for a research program entitled “Bio-Explore – Biotechnology for the Exploitation of Microalgae". The position is funded by the SYNERGASIA program.
The research assistant (RA) will work on the analysis of chlorella and fish species using multidimensional liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry methods. Moreover, the researcher will implement the integrated analysis of both the proteome and metabolome content of chlorella and fish specimens along with their bioinformatics data curation to decipher novel mechanisms of primary (fatty and amino acids, vitamins, isoprostanes, etc.) and secondary (carotenoid) metabolism.
The following qualifications are required:
The position is announced for two years with the possibility for renewal and will commence on December 16, 2012. Interested candidates please email and CV to Dr. Sophia Kossida and Dr. Spiros D. Garbis ncluding the names of three referees and a letter of intent by 15-AUG-2012.
The General Director
Athanassios Tsouroplis