Ref: 253/18-01-2013
The Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (BRFAA) is seeking to employ an external partner to support implementation of the project ISBE "Infrastructure for Systems Biology-Europe" of the 7th Framework Programme [INFRA-2011-2.2.4.].
Interested parties are invited to submit their expressions of interest. Applicants must have a PhD in biology, medicine or related disciplines. The candidate should have experience in designing, implementing and managing European preparatory phase projects. Experience in the field of European Commission’s research policy and of the European Research Area is desirable.
Interested parties should submit to the Secretariat of the BRFAA (4, Soranou Efesiou Street, 115 27 Athens, Department of Human Resources) a detailed CV and a request for expressions of interest. The deadline is 30/01/2013. For further information please contact Dr. D. Thanos (thanos @