Athens, 21-9-2012
This is a Call of Interest for one (1) position for the administrative support of the 5-year Research Programme RiskyCAD that is funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens.
Interested candidates should possess a higher education degree (University or T.E.I.) and experience on the management-organization and administrative support of research programmes.
Previous experience in a) the administrative, financial or secretarial assistance of research projects, preferably in the context of research institutions, b) the organization of research conferences and events, and communication with research centres or companies of overseas, will be an advantage.
Excellent English and computer skills, especially in spreadsheets and word processors is a requirement.
The duration will be for 1 year with the possibility for extension.
Interested candidates should submit a letter of intent and detailed C.V. to the Secretariat of BRFAA (Soranou Efesiou 4, 115 27 Athens, Attention of Personnel Department) by 5/10/2012. For more information, please contact Dr E. Andreakos ( ).