Ref: 2384 - 18/09/2013
A position for a highly motivated graduate student (PhD level) is available in the Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases at BRFAA. The position is part of a Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research-funded project entitled: “Development of a sensitiveassay to correlate LRRK2 kinase activity and conformational state”. The goal of the project is the development of a high-throughput based assay of LRRK2 kinase function and oligomerization in various disease models and clinical samples. The position is funded for 2 years, beginning in the Autumn of 2013.
Candidates should have completed a BSc and MSc (2-year programme) in Life Sciences (Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Neurosciences, or related fields). Candidates should have a strong demonstrable background in cell culture, biochemistry and molecular biology. Previous experience in in vivo experimental models would also be advantageous.
Interested candidates should submit a cover letter outlining their motivation for the position, background and areas of expertise along with a detailed curriculum vita to the Secretariat of BRFAA (Soranou Efesiou 4, 11527 Athens, Attention: Personnel Department) until 07-10-2013. For more information please contact Dr. Hardy Rideout at and Dr. Stefanis at