Ref: 2414/ 20-9-2013
BRFAA is interested in employing one research scientist with a PhD in Biology/Biochemistry/Molecular Biology/Chemistry/Neurosciences for part-time participation in the ISN research program. The program is investigating mechanisms of neuronal degeneration in cellular and animal systems. Special preference will be given to individuals with previous experience in techniques related to production of viruses (lenti, adeno, adenoassociated), stereotactic delivery of viruses to animal models, immunohistochemistry, and immunocytochemistry. Excellent knowledge of the English language is required.
Interested candidates should submit at the Secretariat of BRFAA (Soranou Efesiou 4, 11527 Athens, Attention: Personnel Department) a cover letter outlining their motivation for this position and their areas of expertise, and provide a detailed curriculum vitae, which will contain the names and e-mails of three scientists who can provide recommendation letters. Deadline for applications is the 4th of October 2013.
For more information, please contact Dr. L. Stefanis at